A photographer came face to face with a rare white reindeer while hiking with friends in Norway, and managed to capture the magical encounter. Twenty-four-year old Mads Nordsveen from Oslo was photographing the Norwegian landscape when he spotted the rare animal camouflaged in the brilliantly white snow.
“It did blend extremely good with the snow,” Nordsveen told INSIDER. “It was a very special moment, felt so magical. We looked straight into each other’s eyes. I was actually so stunned that it took some seconds before I got reminded by my photographer instinct to grab the camera and save the moment forever!”
He said the calf seemed a little scared at first but relaxed because they were calm in his presence, the reindeer even seemed to pose for the camera.
Nordsveen runs one of the largest travel accounts on Instagram called Discoverer and is trained to capture magical moments at unique destinations around the world.
“Before trips I do quit a lot of research to find the best locations and views. However you can not plan magical moments like the reindeer’s photos,” he said to Insider.
The local Sami tribe in the area believe these white animals are so rarely spotted that they bring happiness.