This year marks the 30th anniversary of Disney’s iconic The Lion King, the animated masterpiece that captured hearts worldwide with Simba’s journey to become king. As fans eagerly await the release of Mufasa: The Lion King on December 20, The Walt Disney Company has been celebrating the enduring legacy of the beloved classic.
Joining the festivities, National Geographic Wild (DStv 182, StarSat 221) is dedicating December to real-life lion stories. Dubbed The Real Lion King, the programming explores the survival challenges of these majestic big cats, airing compelling documentaries every Saturday at 18:00 (CAT).
Highlights include the premiere of Desert Lions: Surviving at Skeleton Coast on December 9, which follows three cubs navigating Namibia’s treacherous terrain. Other must-watch specials include Lions: The Hunt for Survival (December 14), showcasing the predatory prowess of lionesses, Tree Climbing Lions (December 21), chronicling a unique population in Uganda, and Cecil: The Legacy of a King (December 28), a tribute to Zimbabwe’s famed lion, Cecil.
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