Wildebeest birth and calf’s first steps captured at MalaMala Private Game

Posted on 29 January 2025 By Louise Bell

Another amazing wildlife moment documented by Mrisho Lugenge, a field guide at the reserve, on a game drive. As a lion birth was filmed a few days ago at MalaMala, it seems like new life is bursting out of the reserves seems.

Unsplash/Frida Lannerström

Latest Sightings has reported that the field guide spotted the pregnant cow and was fortunate to capture the entire birth of her calf. As the amniotic sac was revealed outside of the wildebeest and ruptured, Lungenge knew the newborn would soon appear.

As hoofs started to make their way out of the mother, the wildebeest prepared herself for this miracle of life moment. As the calf fell to the ground, the mother began a grooming ritual to clean the calf from its journey.

While this might have seemed to be the main event, the calf stood up and attempted to walk towards his mother with confidence in his stride. A proud mother stood and watched her newborn as the field guide witnessed this spectacular event.

The wildebeest was dead set on making her calf learn the vital things in life mere minutes after it entered the world, as the video depicts the mother picking up her walking pace to teach the calf how to run.

After meeting the rest of the wildebeest group, the calf found comfort in its mother’s milk as a well-earned prize for its hard work.

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