Trappers is giving away an enviable selection of locally manufactured quality brands.
In celebration of Heritage Day on 24 September, we at Trappers, the essential outdoor gear specialist, look forward to saluting the culture, beliefs and traditions of our diverse nation. And, in the spirit of this, Trappers is giving away an enviable selection of locally manufactured quality brands.

Trappers is driven by a caring, and optimistic set of values. As a proudly South African company, we unashamedly support local suppliers and locally-made goods wherever possible. Our ‘We Love Local’ initiative underpins this philosophy.
If you are headed for the outdoors, Trappers is the place to start for all of your equipment and apparel needs. For the past 40 years, we have passionately assisted customers with expert product knowledge, understanding and advice they can trust to ensure that they get exactly what they need. No matter what your outdoor passion is you’ll find a kindred spirit in Trappers. It’s one of the reasons we’ve become the go-to destination for all outdoor adventure equipment.
At Trappers, we stock a wide range of products under a variety of quality brands, for any outdoor enthusiast or adventure seeker across any budget, with the likes of Leatherman, Jeep Clothing, First Ascent, Salomon, Hi-Tec, and Garmin across our 32 stores in eight provinces.
How to enter
Click on the enter button below and win awesome local prizes from Trappers:
Go to to find your local store. Alternatively, call head office on 0114622919 or email [email protected].