So you think you know the Berg? We’re pretty sure the final instalment in the Getaway/Mazda Change Your View road trip series will have you scratching your head. Where are we going? How will the Mazda CX-30 manage in the storms? Who’s this Giffy fellow? And can you still win a family holiday? Hey, hey, start your engines.

Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and now…?
We’ve covered great swathes of South Africa in our Change Your View road trip series with Mazda (check out the previous two instalments here and here), but have left the best – or at least the most challenging – until last. This time Getaway goes in search of the bearded vulture, high above the Tugela Falls, trekking through countryside that most South Africans haven’t heard of, much less visited.

Picture: Cameron Blair
To be clear; this isn’t a gentle meander through the Midlands, it’s raw Drakensberg through the storms, beguiling roads and sandstone canyons of the high Berg. Along for the ride, piloting Mazda’s CX-30 crossover, is environmentalist and artist Giffy Duminy, intent on capturing the beauty of that most elusive bird. He’ll find a space to create great art, a reminder to visitors of the bounty out there.
So, details!
Giffy first. The Durban-based artist, surfer and conservationist specialises in monumental art. His work can be seen across KZN and the country, typically enormous wildlife two or three stories high. That’s his work at the Durban Aquarium, at Sea Hope and a number of other venues. That massive turtle? Giffy’s. The cockerel for the SPCA at the Mushroom Farm? His too.

“Art was a natural fit for me and when I started drawing, there was always only going to be one subject – wildlife. It’s my chance to get a simple message across. Look after it, enjoy it. Especially the threatened species.

“And now here’s a chance to chase a dream. Follow the trail into the Berg of the bearded vulture, see it in its natural habitat, try to draw it, get a handle on how it’s doing. And that northern Berg area. What a privilege. I can’t wait to be up there.”
And the route?
We’ll take you up from the Durban coastal belt, through the Midlands, into Qwaqwa towards the sandstone cliffs of the escarpment around Witsieshoek and the Sentinel. From there it’s a gamble – what will the weather allow, what’s down that pass, who’s worth visiting? For sure it’ll be a filmmaker’s dream and a driver’s delight – and test the Mazda CX-30 to its limits.
So when does this go live?
Keep an eye on your media come Monday 28 February, when the film goes live. And stay alert over the next two weeks for more details about video drops, the route, the CX-30, the art, the artist and stand a chance to win a special weekend away for four (details below).
Head out. Choose unusual. Change Your View.
Competition (CLOSED)
Win with Mazda, Getaway and Legacy Hotels and Resorts

Follow the Mazda Change Your View series and stand a chance to win a Legacy Hotel and Resorts weekend getaway for four.
Indicate one of the destinations of the three Mazda Change Your View trips and stand a chance to win a Legacy Hotel and Resorts weekend away for four.
How to enter, below
List one of the three destinations in the Mazda Change Your View series.
Provide your name, address and contact details.
The Prize
A weekend at Bakubung Bush Lodge in the Pilanesberg for four.
Discover more about Legacy Hotels and Resorts’ Bakubung Lodge here.
- The prizes include accommodation on the basis stated, and the stated extras for four people.
- It does not include airfares or other travel expenses.
The competition closes on March 10 2022
#changeyourview #mazda_sa #getawaymag #witsieshoekmountainlodge #giffyartist #legacyhotelsandresorts
If you only joined in the fun now, check out trips one and two below.