Rare fire rainbow lights up the sky

Posted on 20 April 2020 By Anita Froneman

Sometimes, some people are just in the right place at the right time. One photographer, who lives on Lake Sammamish in Washington State in the USA was lucky enough to capture a rare ‘fire rainbow’. This natural phenomenon looks like a horizontal rainbow lighting up the whole sky in breathtaking colours.

Cessna Kutz captured this amazing light show and posted it on Instagram:


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Witnessed a pretty cool phenomenon out on lake sammamish today. A horizontal rainbow! 🌈 To me it was a reminder that God has this under control and we need to hold onto hope and love instead of fear and panic in these unknown times. Stay safe out there, friends💞 #rainbowsofhope #flattenthecurve #stayhomestaysafe . . The second photo is available for purchase on my website! Link in bio 🙂

A post shared by Cessna Kutz (@cessnakutz) on

Fire rainbows, or circumhorizontal arcs, are formed when the sun is higher than 58 degrees in cloudy weather. These clouds, called cirrus clouds, have ice crystals in them which act as a prism, refracting the sunlight, according to iflscience.com.

These are the same clouds that form other optical phenomena like iridescent clouds.

Image: Cessna Kutz


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