Whether it’s a stroll through the lavender labyrinth, the piercing stare of a Verreaux’s eagle or the smooth creaminess of a slice of cheesecake, you’ll find your helter-skelter journey arrested by some of life’s finer moments at The Heath, a collection of bohemian country stalls tucked away in a grove of tall firs.
If work is love made visible, it’s very evident here. Handcrafted fine furniture at Ilovani and the original Heath Trading Store brimming with colourful crafts reflect their creators’ oneness with their media.
Burgeoning plants in the small nursery surround a counter selling delicious local cheeses, biltong, nuts and dried fruit. Outside, help yourself to crisp organic veggies from a set of shelves and feel privileged to be trusted to deposit your money in the honesty box.
Leave the kids to play in the adventure playground while you park off on the veranda of Jade’s Café. Or cosy up to the wood stove inside while you enjoy a homemade pie (the creamy bacon and mushroom is a favourite) or a hummus salad mopped up with Italian bread.
Don’t be surprised if you leave this laid-back spot feeling a little lighter.
Radical Raptors at The Heath
Time your visit to coincide with one of the flying demonstrations at Radical Raptors, a birds-of-prey rehabilitation and awareness centre at The Heath. Dennis Robson is a falconry whizz and his trained birds fly to the glove on command. If you’re bold enough, you’re invited to don a glove and provide a perch for one of the raptors.
Costs R80 an adult and R60 a child. Shows are daily (except Mondays) at 11h00, 13h00 and 15h00.
Tel 044-532-7537 or 083-382-2417, www.radicalraptors.co.za.
Contact details for The Heath
Tel 044-532-7724, www.theheath.co.za.
GPS: S34° 02’ 40”, E23° 17’ 58”