Here’s a quick and easy way to use fish that you have left over from the evening before’s braai, to make a scumptuous pâté.

Image by Andreas Eiselen
Serves 4 – 8
What you will need:
• 220 – 250g braaied fish
• 250g cream cheese
• 2t lemon juice, plus 1t zest
• 2T chopped parsley
• 1t paprika
• salt and black pepper
• 50g unsalted butter
• a few chives, finely chopped
• baguette or crackers for serving
How to make the pâté
Flake the fish, discarding the bones and skin. Blend the fish with cream cheese, lemon juice and zest, parsley, paprika, salt and pepper. Spoon the pâté mixture into ramekins or small bowls, and smooth the top. Melt the butter and strain it through a dish towel. Pour a thin layer of this clarified butter on top of the pâté and sprinkle with chives. Pop in the fridge until you want to serve it. Overnight is best for the flavours to develop.
Best favours for fish
• Hake: lemongrass and parsley
• Tuna: coriander and black pepper
• Dorado: chives and chilli
• Snoek: basil and pine nuts
Remember to always buy locally caught fish and check the SASSI Red List to ensure it’s sustainable.
Also read: Get fish smart and eat better for the ocean