Is there anything better than an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a summer’s day? (Well, there’s wine. But you could add a shot of gin to your lemonade if you wanted.) This recipe makes about a litre and a half of the tangiest lemonade you’ve ever tasted. We suggest making double, and keeping some syrup in the fridge for impromptu get-togethers.
Other interesting twists: add a few coins of ginger when making the syrup, or serve with chopped strawberries.
Classic lemonade recipe

1 cup cane sugar
1 cup water
1 cup lemon juice
Soda water to serve
How to make lemonade
1. Gently heat the cane sugar and water until the sugar is completely dissolved (add coins of ginger, a stick of cinnamon or other delicious things here to infuse the syrup with more flavour.)
2. When the syrup has cooled entirely, add the lemon juice and pulp.
3. To serve, add about 1 part cordial to 3 parts soda water. You can obviously tweak this if you’d like it stronger or weaker.