Essentials for your adventure kit
The Lifeline first-aid in a bottle kit is ideal for hikers and comes in a waterproof and durable one-litre water bottle with a karabiner to clip onto a backpack. The pack contains staple first-aid tools such as bandages and gauze, but also has handy extras like sting relief pads, antiseptic towellettes and an emergency whistle.
Available from Cape Union Mart
Tel 021-464-5800
A note on first-aid kits
First-aid kits do come in various shapes and sizes but essentially carry the same items. The quantities of each determine the ideal use for the kit, whether for hiking, vehicle or domestic use. All first-aid items are available from most pharmacies and can be added if necessary. Many of the contents will also have a shelf life and replacement of expired or used contents will need to be frequently monitored. Some brands also supply refill packs.