I put a two man instant tent called iTent to the ultimate test – the dusty conditions of AfrikaBurn in the middle of the Karoo.
For those who have been to AfrikaBurn, you’ll know all about the dust. If you didn’t go, imagine 6000 people covered in a thin layer of yellow of fine golden-yellow glitter without a shimmer. Everyone got a ‘tan’ within hours of arriving and the same can be said for your tent!
If you leave your tent open, you’re welcoming a sand storm inside s the wind and dust collide filling up your sleeping bag. This two man iTent performed really well at the festival and I happily lived in it for five days. It stood sturdy against the wind (although admittedly I didn’t use the included tent pegs opting for rebar instead because of the compact Karoo earth) and kept surprisingly cool despite the high temperatures.

iTent up!
The iTent is a double layered design with an aerated mesh interior and waterproof exterior that was held up away from the mesh to prevent leaks. It’s made from nylon and weighs an incredibly light 3,5 kg, which I was enormously thankful for as I had to take it on an aeroplane.

iTent packed up
This tent is a breeze to put up. You fold out the tent into a ‘spider’ formation and make sure none of the poles are twisted, before pulling the strings to initiate the pop-up mechanism. Voila. It’s up! The whole process takes less than a minute and honours the name ‘instant tent’.

iTent folded out to put up
The iTent is a sturdy tent that does not sacrifice the need for sufficient shelter in the outdoors to convenience. I was really impressed.
My only concern was twisting the tent pegs when opening it and I made sure to properly inspect the mechanism to make sure the poles wouldn’t snap. That said, it is simple to put away and iTent offer a repair service should anything happen.

The iTent pop-up mechanism
There are a variety of iTent models in an good choice of sizes. All of them are good for the beach, camping and hiking. There is a terrific gazebo option too, which I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on because those things can be a pain to set up.
This two man iTent costs R1 396 for more info and other iTent options visit www.itent.co.za