Straight from the travel writers: why you should keep a travel journal

Posted on 27 January 2014

So, nothing to write home about? Think again. Professional travel writers use journals – and so should you. We’ve quizzed some our best contributors and asked them why they keep notes when they’re on the go…

 Sarah Duff


Photos show you what scenes looked like, but they won’t remind you of interesting details like sounds, smells, tastes, or how you felt. Most travel experiences are transformative, so it’s good to keep a written record of what changed you each day. – Sarah Duff, freelance travel writer.

Read more about Sarah here.


Justin Fox


A journal is a great place to convey the spirit of the place you’re visiting, not just the facts, which you can easily get from a guidebook. When you go back and read a journal years later, it’s those esoteric, private details that will transport you back to the moment. – Justin Fox, former Getaway editor-at-large

Read more about Justin here.


Narina Exelby


It doesn’t matter what you write, or doodle, or draw. Take time to record your surroundings and indulge in the moment – something people are forgetting how to do. Instead of chasing the ultimate photograph, sit quietly with your notebook and create memories that way instead. – Narina Exelby, freelance travel writer 

Read more about Narina here.


Feeling inspired? Here is the Getaway choice of beautiful travel journals to scribble in. 

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