A new Facebook group is connecting people worldwide through their windows. Called, “View from my window” the group encourages people to share the view directly outside their window, leading to a spectacular trip around the world.
With over 800,000 members, the group is a melting pot of nationalities, languages, cultures and experiences which have all been connected through the social distancing and lockdown policies occurring worldwide.
Those posting to the group are asked to relinquish their rights to the photo, as the group creators hope to make a nomad exhibition from the beautiful images once lockdown ends.
“We would like to organise a nomad exhibition, to present a photo gallery (with all the most inspiring photos, which yours might be part of) and edit a book. Part of profits will be donated to humanitarian associations,” reads the group description.
As photos are posted, encouraging comments and greetings from across the globe fill up underneath really illustrating how friendly and positive our global community can be.
Experience different countries, in different climates across the world with just some of the photos, and maybe add these locations to your post-coronavirus travel bucket lists.
‘Southern tip of Africa’ -Imel Rautenbach
‘Malakal, Koror in the Republic of Palau’ -Ryan Flynn
‘Kainuu, Finland’- Irma Keränen
‘Dobcross- Saddleworth, Greater Manchester’-Ruth Haas Eckersley
‘Pontpierre, Luxembourg’ -Adam Walder
‘Santos/Brazil’ -Ricardo M Kaptzan
‘Reykjavík Iceland’ -Linda Sif Þorláksdóttir
‘Ajijic, Mexico’- Carolyn Goulart Cothran
‘Lamoine, Maine’- Debbie Daigle Cough
‘Eskadale, Scotland’ -Rhona Stewart
‘Annapolis, Maryland, USA’- Susan Mays
‘Wollongong, NSW, Australia’ -Lynette Elizabeth Attwood Zulli
‘Marylebone, London, UK’- Ian King-Brown
Featured Image: Irma Keränen