In the November 2019 issue of Getaway, we return to our backroading roots.
In this issue, we discover two ways to enjoy Réunion: Melanie van Zyl and Jenni Saunders celebrate the plant life, both wild and cultivated on this fertile island. Anton Crone avoids the N1 and N2 on his great trek through the back roads from Cape Town to Cradock. We follow Jacques Marais who takes on two volcanic hikes – and a whole lot more in Rwanda. Mia Louw discovers why the Mpumalanga dorpie of Chrissiesmeer is considered as a kind of ‘lake district’, and Tim Brink suggests a wealth of excellent routes and ways to hoodwink your family into mountain biking holidays.

Anton Crone – The art of road tripping
Driving the tranquil byways of the Karoo, Anton Crone avoids the overcrowded Garden Route as he heads from Cape Town to Mountain Zebra National Park.

Iga Motylska – 30 days through Laos, page 98
A South African woman travelled solo along the length of this little-known Southeast Asian country by the Mekong River . . . and loved it.

Jim Freeman – Not slow meander, page 84
For adventure biking, the back roads of KwaZulu-Natal are some of the best places to combine dirt, tar, mist and mud with comfortable lodgings and good coffee breaks.

Pippa de Bruyn – Best beds in Durban, page 62
With some of the best swimming beaches right on the CBD’s doorstep, this holiday playground has loads to offer. Pippa shows you where to stay to capitalise on the buzz.

ED’S LETTER Justin Fox gets back into the backroading groove
CONTRIBUTORS Meet this month’s experts and adventurers
TRAVELLING TALES En route to Spain, Ben Trovato takes a hellish detour back to an old haunt
INBOX Our favourite letters and messages from our readers this month
GOOD TO KNOW Ideas and inspiration 18
FIRST LOOK A beachside eco-lodge 22
CULTURE/NATURE Réunion for foodies and flower lovers 24
BOOKS The latest field guides 27
ANCIENT JOURNEYS Forbidden Harar 28
ECO-LOGIC Shark research, plus climate change 30
CHEFS ON HOLIDAY Frans Groenewald of Gabriëlskloof 32
FOOD Celebrate summer the Brazilian way 34
GEAR Be first-aid prepared 38
GETAWAY GALLERY The last finalists for this year 42
MASTERCLASSWaterfalls 50
PORTFOLIO Beneath the waves in Mozambique 54
BEST BEDS Durban 62
ROADTRIP Cape Town to Cradock on back roads 68
MOUNTAIN BIKING The eight best spots in SA 77
KZN TOURING The Midlands and beyond by motorbike 84
RWANDA Mountain highs, lakes and forests 90
LAOS A woman’s month-long solo tour 98
CHRISSIESMEER More than a very big lake 105
Win 4 nights in a luxury tented camp at the new Mdluli Safari Lodge in Kruger National Park, worth R30,000!
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