day shoot – Jozi – sunset – sandton towers

Posted on 20 February 2009

As fun as it looks on TV, producing a show like Getaway to Africa is somewhat like giving birth.

Your need a comfortable bed and helping hands around when all the screaming is over. Inadaba Hotel was the perfect base for us in Johannesburg to work effectively and have our troops well fed and watered and ready for the road.

Darren Putter – Producer

I’m from Jozi, born and bred. Though I’ve been in Cape Town 5 years Jo’burg is still home, always will be. Never seen it like this before. I’m on a 105-day journey through 8 African countries for a TV show, and there I’m standing on the roof of the building I grew up looking at from our balcony as a kid. And Jo’burg never looked so different. Made me realize how the context of our travels have an immense impact on the way we experience the places we go and the people we encounter. Our reason for being there, our intentions, and our attitudes all govern the assimilation we will be able to make from where we are coming from to where we are going.

Danny Kodesh – Camera

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