Rest at Strandfontein and some bike trouble

Posted on 5 March 2010

We got up late this morning in Strandfontein, went to the little local shop and cooked ourselves a nice breakfast, our first proper breakfast since leaving Cape Town. After that it was time to give the bikes just a little service after the battering they took the day before. While we were busy fixing some punctures and cleaning our chains and gears, we discovered that Lodie has broken two spokes on his back wheel. Since we do not have the right tools to fix this he will get a lift to the next town tomorrow morning to get the problem sorted out and me and Stefan will cycle and meet him there.

We managed to procure some crayfish from the local fisherman, so tonight we will have some seafood for the last time before we head inland tomorrow. We are just holding thumbs that we will be able to get Lodies bike woes sorted out sooner rather than later.

N7 here we come!

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