Guide to travelling while sick

Posted on 12 March 2025

Travelling can be quite stressful. Add to that the pain of being sick and you have a recipe for distress.

Although it is best to refrain from travelling when you are not feeling well, this is not always possible.

Picture: Sourced / iStock

Here’s some information to consider as you cope with being sick while travelling:

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is important. When you are not feeling well, water is a resource which your body strongly needs.

As such, ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. After all, being dehydrated and sick while travelling is a very unpleasant situation to deal with.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

When you are not feeling well, it is easy to feel like you need something to power your weak body through the day. As such, resorting to caffeine can be very tempting.

However, this will do more harm than good as caffeine will most likely rob your body of much-needed fluids while it tries to heal. Alcohol is also dehydrating and should thus be avoided for the same reason.

Picture: Getty Images

Pack medication in your carry-on luggage

Make sure you pack your carry-on luggage with items that will ease your symptoms during your flight. You also want to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.

For example, if you are suffering from a cold, you can pack flu medication, cough drops, tissues and throat lozenges. Ensure that all which you pack is in line with luggage policy and guidelines.

ALSO READ: Top tips for better sleep when travelling 

Use your hotel room to your advantage

Although it is best to recover in the comfort of your own home, you can still make yourself comfortable in your hotel room.

Take a steamy bath or shower and order some warm soup from room service. Try to stay in bed as much as you are able to. This will allow your body the opportunity to rest and recover.

Don’t push yourself too hard  

Pushing yourself while sick is never a good idea. Take it easy, embrace slow travel and be okay with missing out on certain things.

Spending the whole day jumping from one activity to the next is not good for your sick body. Although it may not be an easy decision to make, skipping certain activities and prioritizing rest will be beneficial.

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ALSO READ: Essential tips to consider for your next hotel stay 

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