By Matthew Sterne and Anita Froneman
Buying presents for men is notoriously tricky beyond the reliable biltong-and-socks combo. There’s some outdoor gear, however, that does the trick.
Take a look at this roundup of must-haves for adventure-hungry dads.
Victorinox Spartan Walnut Wood 91mm

Sourced from European forests, the Spartan’s natural-grain walnut handle is its most eye-catching feature and gives the knife a smooth feel. The hand-crafted item weighs just 57g and comes with 10 tools including a can opener, screwdriver, corkscrew and two blades.
The Malkin 10×25 Roof Prism Binoculars
This lightweight pair of binoculars is ideal to keep in your top pocket on a walk or when watching live sports. A 10×25 pair of binoculars has an exit pupil of just 2.5mm, which is smaller than the average pupil dilation and will be harder to see through clearly, so the quality isn’t amazing. But they’re handy for a quick look on the go and come at a great price.
Kifflab TuziGazi 35L waterproof backpack

For those who are off on a hardcore adventure every weekend, this waterproof backpack is a must. It’s recyclable and one day after years of action-packed hiking and camping trips, it’s biodegradable within five years making it one of the most eco-friendly backpacks on the market today. Not only that, it offers heavy-duty protection from water, dust, sand and dirt. It contains extra padding for an ultra-comfortable fit, which will come in handy from about day two on any multi-day hike. Made from a thermoplastic polyurethane material, this bag isn’t likely to break or tear, providing extra protection for your valuables.
Black Diamond Storm 400 Headlamp

Designed for adventures in all conditions, the Storm 400 is dustproof, waterproof and has a brightness of 400 lumens. It can shine 100 metres at its brightest and comes with a variety of modes: distance, proximity, strobe, red, green and blue night-vision – all of which are adjusted through its PowerTap Technology. The headlamp has a ‘Brightness Memory’ feature, which allows you to turn the light on and off at a chosen brightness without reverting back to the default, full power setting. Four AAA batteries will last for five hours on high and 200 hours on low.
Freedom of Movement Travel Wallet

Available in the colours of Okavango or Cognac, the Travel Wallet is the perfect gift for a brother who puts his passport through its paces. The wallet has space for foreign currency, credit cards, plane tickets and a passport, and is just the type of sleek and functional passport holder I’d like to have when going through customs.