From tight work deadlines to a mere unsettling feeling of anxiety without any known source, the hustle and bustle can become overwhelming. Modern life has become optimised for convenience – a fast-paced momentum that gives us infinite possibilities for instant gratification.
Whether ordering your favourite meal on UberEats or watching Instagram reels to schedule a laugh or two for the day, we’ve become accustomed to this way of easy living. So, is a fleeting feeling of dopamine from our devices the solution to provide us with a sense of happiness? Slow living is the answer to creating a sense of fulfilment in your life that is sustainable.
This is, however, easier said than done as workday responsibilities can at times make it feel like there is no space for breaks or even taking a full breath. As time is money, the art of slow living can be implemented through simple activities to add to your daily schedule.
Dive into the icy goodness of a cold plunge
What better way to start your morning than by jumping into the shivering embrace of the sea? Cold plunges have become a popular activity in South Africa, such as Cape Town, where the Atlantic Sea provides the perfect water conditions to benefit from a frigid frolic in the waves.
This aquatic activity is a great way to kick off your morning with a bang and also to force yourself to slow down and breathe. If you don’t do well with the cold, taking deep breaths can be vital to relax your body and not cause you to hyperventilate from the shock of such cold temperatures.
This will, in turn, help you achieve a meditative state, where deep breaths and the calming of the mind become part of the experience. If you don’t live near the sea, you can also try an ice bath or even a cold shower. Here are a few theorised benefits of cold plunges:
- Mood booster.
- Helps with immunity and joint/muscle inflammation after exercise.
- Improve blood circulation.
- Could assist in sleeping more soundly.
Take a hike – literally
As South Africa is known for its natural beauty, a hike is a great option to soak in the blessings and bounty that life provides. There are many magnificent African hiking trails that will be sure to match your fitness level.
The goal here is not to exercise, but rather to stroll and drink in your surroundings by paying attention to your environment. From the shimmer or fluttering butterflies to the intricate patterns on leaves, you’ll be surprised by the small details you’ll pick up from merely walking in nature. This is also the ultimate opportunity to indulge in some forest bathing.
Go off the grid for a day
While this isn’t necessarily possible during the week, scheduling a ‘no technology’ day could be beneficial to you if you’re feeling a sense of suffocation from your everyday duties. By switching off from the world, you’ll be able to recharge and shake off the weight on your shoulders – even if it’s just for a day.
By temporarily retreating from the confines of society, you’ll be able to create a sense of adventure by simply being by yourself. So, be sure to switch off your phone and fill a day with activities that make you feel whole and relaxed. You’ll be shocked at what wonders a cup of tea and a book can do to the soul.
Do a meditation or yoga practice before bed

If you feel like you simply do not have time during the day, this is a great option if you’re looking for a slow-living practice that is fast and effective. While you might be privy to experiencing hectic and overstimulating work days, it’s important to schedule slow moments to help you achieve quality sleep.
From stretching to creating a rhythmic breathing pattern to relax, this exercise is the perfect way to decompress and prepare for your slumber ahead.
Slow Living Practices | Conclusion
Slow living can be explained and categorised in a variety of ways, but the underlined message is to spend your time mindfully and with purpose. By creating a balance between work and life, you’ll ultimately reap the results as you’re creating a space where the possibility of stress and burnout is minimised.
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