Kenya is building the first underwater museum in sub-Saharan Africa. A 504-year-old Portuguese shipwreck off the coast of Ras Ngomeni, Kilifi County will be the site of the museum, according to Tourism Update.

The museum will be opened in 2022 and will be constructed by the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) and the government. Speaking to Tourism Update, Head of Archaeology at the NMK Coast region, Caesar Bita said: ‘Once the museum is complete, we will have tour guides who will be guiding people under the water. Each wreck will have a placard that tells its history.’
Visitors will be able to study preserved artefacts in the wrecks, human remains and marine life. The artefacts stand a better chance of preservation while submerged under the ocean, as opposed to being brought onto land. These historical finds are being protected from strong currents by sandbag walls and nets.
Image: Unsplash