Awe-inspiring aerial footage of the Swakop River meeting the ocean

Posted on 18 February 2022 By Chloe Cowley

The Swakop River reached the ocean at around 9 am for the first time in eleven years on 16 February. The River was sent seaward after rainfall that exceeded the average compared to years in recent history. As a result, masses of people from Swakopmund and Walvis Bay have been rushing down to experience this exciting occasion.

Residents have made it a tradition to run down to the river mouth and dig channels to help hurry the flow of rainwater into the ocean. The moment the river meets the ocean is celebrated with cheers. Swakopmund residents say that they have been waiting for this moment for ten years, NBC News reports.

From above, this rare sight is absolutely breathtaking as the strong flow of muddy river water cascades down the beach and into the Atlantic Ocean.

Picture: Supplied by Ivanoff-Erb PhotoGalerie

This flood is certainly a memorable moment that will go down in the history books. In fact, NBC news documented a special moment where a lady, Erdmute Wittmann, reminisced the Swakop River meeting the Atlantic Ocean back in 1960. She remembers how, back then, there was no bridge across the Swakop river mouth and so many people got stuck or washed away towards the sea trying to cross it. The bridge was later constructed between 1967 and 1969 and has definitely done its job in 2011 and 2022.

Picture: Supplied by Ivanoff-Erb PhotoGalerie

Nobody knows how long the flow will last, but for now, locals are enjoying this unique experience to the fullest.

Picture: Supplied by Ivanoff-Erb PhotoGalerie

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The Swakop River floods, reaches ocean for the first time since 2011

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