Cobra dies after being bitten by 8-year-old boy in India

Posted on 9 November 2022 By Olerato Ramafsi

An eight-year-old boy in India killed a cobra that had wrapped itself around his hand by delivering multiple bites to the serpent.

An Indian cobra. Picture: Flickr Commons/Chandan Singh

According to the New Indian Express, the incident took place in India’s Pandarpadh village on 7 October. The boy, known only as Deepak, was playing in the backyard of his house when the cobra bit him on his hand.

‘The snake got tangled around my hand and bit me,’ Deepak told the outlet. ‘I was in great pain. As the snake didn’t budge when I tried to shake it off, I bit it hard twice. It all happened in a flash.’

Deepak was rushed to the local health centre by his family, where he was given anti-snake venom and kept for observation. Dr Jems Minj said Deepak luckily suffered a dry bite, meaning there was no venom in the snake’s fangs at the time. He was discharged after a day.

Local snake expert Qaiser Hussain told the outlet that cases of dry bites, while painful, are quite rare, and a local journalist named Ramesh Sharma said the district is also known as Naglok (meaning home of serpents) because of the 200 different kinds of snakes that call the district home.

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