Don’t frack with our Karoo (or her people!)

Posted on 10 August 2011

Cape Town‘s greenies took to the streets yesterday to voice their opposition to the ecologically fragile Karoo being subjected to fracking, a destructive method of exploiting natural gas trapped deep within shale rock.

The procession went from the Natural History Museum, down Long Street, along Strand Street and up Adderley Street. Chanting marchers handed out pamphlets and stickers to bystanders.

Several oil and gas companies, most notably Royal Dutch Shell, have applied for exploration rights. The process of fracking requires large amounts of water and chemicals, which are injected into boreholes under pressure to fracture the rock and release the gas. The danger is that ground water can be contaminated, making the water that humans and animals depend upon unusuably polluted. Fracking’s track record in other countries in the world is dismal; in some instances in the US, farmers have found the water in their taps replaced by flammable gas.

Earthlife Africa has called on South Africans to boycott Shell filling stations and any other company involved in fracking.

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