Dropping on Showmax this Thursday 3 December is the new film by the makers of the multi-award winning documentary STROOP – JOURNEY INTO THE RHINO WARS.
Susan Scott and Bonne de Bod conceived KINGDOMS OF FIRE ICE & FAIRY TALES while they were on the film festival circuit for STROOP in California. ‘We both decided to go to Yosemite to get a break from the circuit, and it was a revelation. The idea was born there,’ says de Bod.

KINGDOMS is a departure from their hard hitting, gritty rhino poaching documentary. Their new film is a beautifully crafted celebration of nature, but any similarity to classic wildlife documentaries end there. No Jeremy Irons or David Attenborough narrator. De Bod is the protagonist, an authentic, assured voice who’s screen presence reflects the beauty of the environment she is exploring.
Where many documentaries highlight singular species, KINGDOMS tells a story of the interconnectedness of nature, from Yellowstone National Park in America to the Black Forest in Germany and the Arctic Circle in Swedish Lapland; from trees that sustain entire worlds of insects to mammals that change the course of rivers. There are revelations in this film that would be folly to reveal here for you need to watch it to appreciate the way the story is weaved with fantasy and myth made manifest by nature, so beautifully written by Scott.
Ultimately there is an important message in this film. ‘It’s a reminder that the season of pandemic will pass. That there’s a planet waiting,’ says Scott.

As a treat, the filmmakers and Showmax have two vouchers for one-month of free viewing to give away. To qualify, answer the question:
Where was the idea for the new film born?
and email your answer directly to: [email protected]
Watch the trailer:
Images: Screenshots from trailer