Impala are not the rarest of sightings but their beauty makes every encounter with them a wonderful experience. Whether you catch a guttural sound coming from a bachelor herd or if you stop to fawn over the new arrivals within a nursery herds, at an impala sighting there is always something to appreciate.

Highly commended – Feeding the young – While on a visit to the Kruger National Park, I was observing a group of impala grazing in the park. This young one feeding from his mother fascinated me. I tried to capture the intimacy between young and mom by the use of a tight crop. Image: Braeme Holland/ Getaway Gallery
SANParks Honorary Rangers shared an adorable video of a weeks-old impala lambs seemingly realising their speed capabilities within the Kruger National Park.
The young bucks dart from spot to spot along a bank, jumping and springing as if to test how far their thin stilts-for-legs can take them.
Impala are graceful gliders and are essentially fleet runners. They are able to leap over distances of up to 10m and can clear over obstacles in their path when running. An impala can also jump up to 10m in the air should the need arise.
Take a look at the young impalas enjoying the new found spring in their step below.
Jumping with joy! Very young impala frolic in the Kruger National Park. Although only a couple of weeks old they already are capable of high jumps and long leaps.#SANParksVolunteers #WildWeekend #Volunteers #Conservation #SANParks #LiveYourWild #NationalParks #Wildlife
— SANParks HR’s (@SANParksHR) February 6, 2021