Known as the ‘world’s cruelest dolphin show’, the Indonesian travelling dolphin circus has been shut down. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Indonesia chose to not renew the permits of the circus on 5 February, according to Dolphin Project.
Wersut Seguni Indonesia has been forced to close down as a result. The company was responsible for capturing wild dolphins and using them for travelling and ‘entertainment’ purposes.

Carts used to transport the animals. Image: Dolphin Project
The dolphins were carted around in trucks, from performance to performance. The animals would remain in a location for four weeks at a time. The animals were forced to perform in small, extremely chlorinated pools. Some days they would perform for five days at a time.
The animals were only fed small fish during performances. Keeping them hungry meant they would be willing to perform for rewards. Dolphins were forced to jump through blazing hoops and other cruel stunts.
The travelling dolphin circus is no longer allowed to operate but the facility in central Java is. There are around 20-30 dolphins being held in captivity here.
In a statement Dolphin Project said: ‘Dolphin Project’s Indonesian team will continue to monitor this situation to ensure that no dolphins are carted from town to town again. We will remain vigilant and ensure the law is being upheld. Dolphin Project will also continue to campaign to readapt Indonesia’s remaining captive dolphins and release those that are suitable candidates.’
Image: Unsplash