The Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital recently helped rescue a chacma baboon that was being kept at a residence in Roodeplaat.
The NSPCA, Gauteng Department: Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) and a team from the hospital went to rescue the animal. He was darted, allowing the group to move him to a transport container without causing the primate any stress.
The baboon was taken to the Onderstepoort Wildlife Clinic, where he was kept temporarily. He underwent a medical exam while under sedation, explained the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital in a Facebook post.
‘Luckily he still had his canines, which are frequently removed in baboons who are illegally kept as pets. This is essential to his survival once placed in a troop and released. He would utilise these canines to assert dominance and for defence,’ said the hospital.
Lauren Beckley, the vet hospital’s permitted primate specialist, fetched the baboon and took him to a primate exclusive facility. Here, he will be able to interact with other baboons with the aim of him becoming a member of a troop, these animals will then be moved to a safe environment.
Take a look at the baboon’s living conditions before he was rescued:

The baboon was kept at a residence. Image: Ashleigh Pienaar/ Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital

He has been taken to a primate facility where he can interact with other baboons. Image: Ashleigh Pienaar/ Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital

Luckily he still has his canine teeth, which is essential to his survival once placed in a troop and released. Image: Ashleigh Pienaar/ Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital
If you are in a position to make a donation to the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital, who treat their patients for free and are dependent on public contributions to sustain their work, you can do so on their website.