The lion that escaped from the Karoo National Park in Beaufort West on 15 February, has finally been found.
EWN reported that on Wednesday 13 March the male lion was spotted 50km outside of Sutherland, heading towards Calvinia where he was caught.
Further reports indicated that the lion was sedated and transported to a local police station for the night.
He will be kept in a holding cell until he can be checked by a veterinarian to ensure the lion is not injured or unhealthy.
The lion lead police on a wild goose chase, leaving behind spoors and carcasses, alerting authorities of his presence in the area.
Security company Bidvest Protea Coin joined in the search, using their specialised helicopters which are fitted with forward-looking infra-red (FLIR) cameras to help track the animal.
Read Heat-sensing cameras used to track wandering lion.
Sylvester the lion escaped the Karoo National Park twice between 2015 and 2016.
He had escaped for 3 weeks before being found.

Image source: Unsplash