Kruger starts controlled burns to reduce risk of fires in dry season

Posted on 4 July 2024 By Savanna Douglas

Image: Unsplash / Colter Olmstead

Kruger National Park (KNP) is now implementing its management plans for the winter fire season, which typically occurs from June to October.

Fires are, in fact, a natural and essential part of the Kruger’s ecosystem and when managed correctly, help to maintain the Savanna biome’s health and functionality.

Adequate grass coverage, which depends on the rainfall received during the previous summer, is what determines the extent of these fires.

“Unlike the previous fire season where we experienced more than 20% of KNP burning due to extremely high grass loads following exceptional rainfall, this year we are only expecting about 10-15% to burn,” SANParks stated, as per Good Things Guy.

The past summer saw less rainfall compared to the unusually high levels in 2022-2023, leading to a reduced amount of grass growth.

The Greater Kruger Fire Protection Association (FPA) of which KNP is a member, facilitates better communication and support for using fires as a management tool and promoting fire safety within and around the park.

Ranger teams have started controlled burns early in 2024’s dry season to break up grass coverage and to minimise the risk of larger wildfires later.

The controlled burns include creating firebreaks around infrastructure such as camps, entry gates, staff facilities, and along the park’s boundaries.

These measures involve reducing fuel loads, burning firebreaks, and preparing a well-trained and equipped team in partnership with Working on Fire (WoF), says SANParks.

By implementing these measures, KNP aims to be better prepared for this year’s fire season, ensuring the safety of the park’s visitors, staff, and wildlife while maintaining the ecological health of the beloved biome we love to visit.

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