A rare leopard seal that visited Kommetjie beach in Cape Town earlier this month has now been seen in Yzerfontein on the West Coast. ‘It is tagged and has been making its way up the coast. Originally from Antarctica, it is very far away from home and most probably a bit stressed out,’ the NSRI said on Facebook.
Read: Rare leopard seal seen on Cape Town beach
‘It is not familiar with people and although it might not look scary, it can be very, very aggressive. They are very unpredictable. It will allow you to come close but can attack last minute, in any direction. So please keep yourself and especially your dogs (on and off leashes) away,’ they added.
‘Although we do not see these visitors often, as they are primarily found in the Antarctic, they have on occasion visited our shores. They are then known as ‘vagrant’ leopard seals,’ the Cape of Good Hope SPCA said on Facebook.

Pictures: NSRI