Phnom Penh coalition authorities along with NGO Wildlife Alliance have confiscated a pet lion on June 27 from a private home in the capital of Cambodia.
According to Wildlife Alliance, the owner had removed the lion’s canine teeth and clipped his claws. “Such modifications can dramatically reduce wild cats’ quality of life,” the organisation said.
The owner, a Chinese national, had allegedly raised the 18-month-old male lion from birth after illegally importing it.
After being rescued by the team, the lion was transported to the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre (PTWRC) by the Cambodian Forestry Administration.

An investigation was launched in April this year by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, Police, Military Police, and Wildlife Alliance after the owner shared footage of him and the lion on social media.
It is illegal to keep wildlife as pets in the country.
Environment ministry spokesperson Neth Pheaktra said that images shared on TikTok showed the lion sitting on a driveway and being sprayed down with a hose as a young cub, reports the BBC. “People have no right to raise rare wildlife as pets,” he said.
It is unclear what action the former owner will face.
Pictures: Wildlife Alliance