The suspension of aircraft maintenance organisation, Lufthansa Technik Maintenance International’s (LTMI) licence has been lifted. The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) suspended Lufthansa Technik, who maintained Comair’s aircraft on 23 March after an audit.

‘The audit resulted in four Level 1 findings raised with the AMO. A Level 1 finding poses an immediate risk to users of civil aviation services and such findings must be closed immediately,’ SACAA said.
Comair made headlines when its airlines, British Airways and were grounded with immediate effect on 12 March.
‘In subsequent discussions with Comair, it was agreed that the suspended LTMI services would resume during the course of Monday evening. This has been done and LTMI is again providing Comair with line maintenance services,’ Lufthansa Technik’s spokesperson Michael Lagemann said according to News24.
‘As a result of the findings, LTMI has optimised its internal quality management processes to avoid similar deficiencies in the future.’
Picture: Getaway gallery
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