Meet the women breaking barriers on the Big Five field

Posted on 6 August 2024 By Tsoku Maela

In a traditionally male-dominated industry, women increasingly make their mark as field guides, demonstrating a unique blend of empathy, meticulousness, and a deep passion for wildlife conservation. This Women’s Month, three women at Lalibela Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape—Tarene Labuschagne, Nelmarie Willemse, and Liezel van den Bergh—are celebrated for their contributions to the field.

Liezel van den Bergh

Lalibela Game Reserve, primarily a conservation project, channels all profits into preserving the land, animals, and the local community. The guiding team, including these three women, embodies the reserve’s mission, showcasing a steadfast commitment to the environment.

Johann Lombard, CEO of Lalibela Game Reserve, highlighted the distinct qualities women bring to the role. ‘We have found the female guides are more sensitive, less self-centred and often tend to listen to guests more compassionately and honestly, providing excellent care and service,’ Lombard said.

Each woman has a profound respect for nature, cultivated through different experiences. Van den Bergh’s love for the wild began with family trips to Kruger National Park, sparking a lifelong passion. Willemse transitioned from studying agriculture and winemaking to field guiding, finding her true calling in the bush. Labuschagne’s journey included working in wildlife rehabilitation before pursuing formal training in field guiding.

Despite their dedication, these women have faced challenges, particularly in overcoming stereotypes about women’s abilities in the bush.

‘Some guests make the judgment that a woman can’t drive a cruiser, or can’t control a difficult encounter with animals,’ Van den Bergh explained. However, they consistently prove their competence and charm, changing minds and delivering exceptional guest experiences.

Their advice to aspiring female guides and those pursuing unconventional career paths is clear: ‘Don’t let anyone ever tell you what you can’t do. Chase your dreams so that one day you can look back proudly,’ Labuschagne encouraged. Van den Bergh added, ‘In many ways, women can be better guides than men!’

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