Mpox screening process to be implemented for travellers entering SA

Posted on 25 June 2024 By Savanna Douglas

Unsplash / National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases

The Border Management Authority (BMA) of South Africa has announced the implementation of Mpox screening measures at all ports of entry in response to a rise in cases. This decision follows the confirmation of 13 Mpox cases by the National Department of Health.

BMA Spokesperson Mmemme Mogotsi stated, “BMA Port Health officers are well trained to be vigilant to observe for any lesions and other symptoms during their operations at the Ports. In any incident, should there be a case presented to the BMA that would need further referral to a health facility, arrangements have been made with ambulance services from the Department of Health for referral to healthcare facilities.”

BMA Commissioner Dr. Michael Masiapato explained that the screening process at airports begins with conveyance operators, such as the captain and crew members of an aircraft, providing a general health declaration.

“This is a document required to be completed by all conveyance operators where they declare that no travellers have reported or were found to be ill on board. This is in terms of International Health Regulations,” said Masiapato.

Following this declaration, travellers undergo thermal screening to check for elevated temperatures. This procedure is also in place at land and seaports. Masiapato elaborated, “Should the traveller present with an elevated temperature, such traveller will be isolated and assisted with further screening. This will involve interviews to establish experiencing of other symptoms.”

Collaboration with communicable disease facilities in various districts to enable swift responses and immediate reporting of any suspected Mpox cases, says Masiapato.

“We are also in close collaboration with the communicable disease facilities in the districts in order to respond swiftly and ensure immediate reporting of any suspected traveller that meets the Mpox disease symptom profile,” he said.

Masiapato underlined the importance of health education and awareness for travellers to prevent the spread of the disease.

“BMA port health officials have also elevated the focus to be on health education and awareness to travellers. At this stage, there have been no incidents of Mpox suspicions detected in the ports of entry thus far.”

The BMA encourages travellers with chronic conditions to continue their medication, as these individuals have shown more severe symptoms. Travellers with a history of visiting areas with Mpox cases are advised to seek medical care immediately if they suspect any symptoms.

“We also encourage travellers suspecting any symptoms to seek medical care immediately, especially those who have a travel history to areas with cases of Mpox,” added Mogotsi.

The implementation of these screening measures aims to safeguard public health and prevent the further spread of Mpox in South Africa.

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