Join the LIVE streamed fundraiser called Vulture Voices in Concert to help support Wildlife ACT’s work to save severely threatened vultures.

The event is FREE to join with the option of donating before, during or after the concert.Voice, Art & Social, a non-profit organisation based in Luxembourg have planned, organised and will be hosting a LIVE streamed fundraiser called ‘Vulture Voices in Concert’ to support Wildlife ACT’s work to save severely threatened Vultures from extinction in Southern Africa.
The funds raised will support the vital work Wildlife ACT does to save Vultures from extinction in Southern Africa. This will include investing in regional conservation education and awareness, a rapid response unit to react to poisoning events, training field operatives on how to handle poisoned birds to ensure they are saved and the continued fine scale monitoring of the population to ascertain impacts over time.
The event will be a live online concert featuring 12 musical talents (Marvin Scondo, Katiuska Mclean, Regi, Isabel Nolte, Vojtech Zakouril, Katja Oseloff, Duci, George Philippart, Mara van Dyck, Lisa Mariotto, Thierry Mersch), many former Voice of Germany contestants, as well as talent from the Zululand region of South Africa, the African artist Kwenza, who will be releasing a new single for the concert.
George Philippart, Musician
‘On behalf of myself and my fellow musician colleagues, it is our great pleasure to sing for this important cause. Music has played an important social role as long as human beings have roamed this earth. We hope to bring more awareness with our singing about the importance of saving our world’s wildlife which we are a part of. We are proud to support Wildlife ACT’s programs with our concert to ensure that the critically endangered South African Vultures will survive.’
Chris Kelly, Conservation Director, Wildlife ACT.
‘In South Africa, Vultures are persecuted directly through poisoning, habitat degradation, population fragmentation, limited food availability, human disturbance, as well as electrical infrastructure collisions and electrocutions. Of the six true vulture species occurring in South
Africa, all are now classified as either Critically Endangered or Endangered. All of these species have experienced major declines in recent times and in many areas, up to 90% of the breeding populations have been wiped out. The severity of the challenges that face our vultures is becoming ever more tangible and seemingly confounding but, together with the Zululand Vulture Project, Wildlife ACT has founded solutions that work towards stabilizing and securing Zululand’s vulture populations, which makes us confident that we will save the vultures of South Africa . These are South Africa’s birds, they are Africa’s birds, they are your birds. We have to do something, even if it is just to save ourselves.’
Brigitta Best, President, Voice, Art and Social ASBL Luxembourg
‘Voice, Art and Social is proud to have organised this online charity concert to help save South African Vultures from extinction and we are extremely thankful to all participating artists for their support. How vulnerable our ecosystem is and how much we all depend on a balanced and well functioning natural world is experienced by all of us right now with this zoonotic pandemic – rattling our global health systems, devastating economies and changing our livelihoods. Having personally volunteered for a month with Wildlife ACT, seeing first hand the magnificence of wildlife but also the destructive effect human actions have, has opened my eyes about the importance of conserving our natural world and wildlife.’
● Date: Earth Day THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021
● Time: 7 PM UTC+02
● Event link: Vulture Voices in Concert
● Tickets: vultures-voices-in-concert-tickets
PICTURE: Supplied