Pairi Daiza, a zoo in Belgian, has shared some heartwarming photos of an unlikely friendship flourishing between a family of orangutans and some otters.
The zoo posted the photos saying that they have a little happiness to share. They added that while we are all distant from each other in this difficult time, their protected animals can bring smiles to thousands of faces.
These animals live together at the zoo in Domain du Cambron, as part of their program which aims to maintain the wellbeing of the primates in captivity.

CNN Travel reported that the program run by the zoo allows the Asian small-clawed otters to live in the river which runs through the enclosure where the orangutans live.
Included in the orangutan family are 3 members: A father named Ujian who is 24 years old, a mother named Sari who is 15 years old, and their son Berani who is 3 years old.
‘The otters really enjoy getting out of the water on the orangutan island to go and play with their big, furry friends,’ said zoo spokesperson Mathieu Goedefroy to CNN Travel.
‘It makes life more fun and interesting for both animals species, which makes it a very successful experiment,’ he added.
You may think the difference in size causes some issues for the otters but it most certainly does not. In a Facebook post, Paira Diaza said ‘Berani and otter live in perfect harmony, and this co-existence is a wonderful enrichment for both species’.
‘The Daiza visitors will tell you: the otter, even though they are far less imposing than their impressive neighbors, don’t let themselves walk on their feet, believe us!’ they added.
Images: Facebook / Pairi Daiza