Ranger survived buffalo attack in Kruger National Park with a unique technique

Posted on 15 August 2024 By Louise Bell

A ranger within the Pretoriuskop section bounds of the Kruger National Park was charged and injured by a buffalo while on patrol on 13 August 2024.

Unsplash/Hans Veth

The man was seriously injured and held onto the buffalo’s horns in order to ensure no further harm was inflicted on him. His colleague on patrol with him called in the attack, and the injured ranger was airlifted to a nearby hospital to seek immediate medical assistance. 

During the dangerous wildlife encounter, the buffalo was shot and killed. Ike Phaahla, the spokesperson for the South African National Parks, stated the following:

“The injured ranger managed to hold onto the horns of the animal until his colleague fired shots and put down the animal.”

A debriefing report will follow by the Rangers Corps to settle the matter at hand.

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