Rare footage of West African lion cubs signifies population recovery

Posted on 10 March 2023 By Jordyn Johnson

Rare footage of a West African lion with her three cubs caught by a camera trap was released on 3 March and signifies population recovery of this Critically Endangered species.

West African lion

The videos and photographs showed the three young lions playing, nursing, and feeding in Senegal’s Niokolo Koba National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site with the world’s largest and most protected West African lion population.

The West African lion was declared Critically Endangered in 2004 when there were about 500 individuals. Today, there are only about 370 left in the wild. Their decline is due to poaching for the illegal wildlife trade, their prey being illegally hunted, and habitat loss (they have lost 99% of their historical range). Like most lions, the West African lion is sometimes killed by humans for killing their livestock.

READ: South Africa: The world’s largest exporter of big cats… and their parts

Unlike the Southern lion population, West African lions have thinner manes and bodies.

West African lion

Florence was the first lion to be collared in Senegal in 2021. In her lifetime, she has had at least three litters with three cubs each, contributing to a third of the national park’s lion population. She is considered the matriarch of Senegal’s Niokolo Koba lion population.

Panthera is a global wild cat conservation organisation that partnered with Senegal’s Department of National Parks (DPN) in 2011. Together the teams set up infrastructure in Niokolo Koba to assist with wildlife conservation and protection efforts.

Within the reserve, there were about 10 West African lions when Panthera entered the scene, but after consistent scientific monitoring and anti-poaching efforts, the population has risen to about 30 lions.

Panthera aims to build up the population to 100 lions by 2030.

The footage of Florence with her third litter of three cubs is evidence that Panthera and Senegal’s DPN’s efforts are resulting in the recovery of the West African lion population.

West African lion

Dr Philipp Henschel, Panthera West and Central Africa Regional Director said that ‘when the history of Niokolo Koba’s recovery is written, this moment will mark a turning point and Florence above all others will likely be recognised as the critical driver of West African lion recovery in one of this big cat’s last strongholds.’

Watch the rare footage of Florence with her cubs below:


Pictures: Panthera/DPN/Everatt

Footage and photos were obtained and released through a joint conservation project carried out by Panthera and Senegal’s Department of National Parks

To find out about the project and to have a look at more footage and photos of Florence and her cubs, visit panthera.org

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