A rhino bull within Klaserie Private Nature Reserve in the Greater Kruger Area was tragically shot at by poachers on December 18, 2020. The suspects were swiftly apprehended and thanks to immediate intervention, the rhino survived and has recovered well.

In a Facebook post, Hope for Wildlife Helicopter Services explained that residents in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve were quick to report the injured rhino. This fast action allowed for the rhino to be treated in the veld where it was tranquilised.
The bull received his first treatment on December 21 and was dehorned too. On January 12, 2021 he received a follow-up treatment.

‘According to the veterinary team, the rhino shows remarkable recovery and has a very good chance of surviving this horrendous ordeal,’ writes the Hope for Wildlife Helicopter Services.
‘A big thanks to the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve’s Security team, Hemmersbach Rhino Force, SAPS, Hoedspuit plaaswag and The GKEPF for a successful operation that transpired to the apprehension of the suspects.Well done to the Klaserie Warden, in conjunction with MTPA who managed to put together both rhino capture operations as well as the dehorning. Thank you to the @provet_animal_hospital team for your dedication and expert services.’
Picture: Facebook / Hope for Wildlife Helicopter Services