South Africa has become the first country on the continent to offer Marine Sciences as a high school subject, with the first batch of matriculants set to write their matric exams this year.

Launched as a pilot project in collaboration with the Two Oceans Aquarium two years ago, in January 2020, six schools included the subject in their curriculum. This was approved by South Africa’s curriculum quality assurance body, Umalusi, and the Department of Basic Education to be offered for Grade 10 to 12 learners.
The subject is made up of four pillars; Marine Biology, Oceanography, Ocean Ecosystems, and Humans and the ocean. this incorporated 85 topics including marine phyla, the chemistry of water, gas laws, sustainable seafood, aquaculture and marine protected areas.
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But let’s go on.
The Two Oceans Aquarium staff has supported the schools with teaching resources and content.
‘We are at the most exciting time for this entire launch and implementation of this curriculum. This year matrics will be writing the subject for the very first time.’ said Russel Steven’s from the Aquariums Education Centre. ‘They’ve done grade 10, grade 11, during the difficult covid time and we now have students who will be doing marine sciences as a subject and they will have that on their matric certificate, this year, 2021.’
The Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation will be offering a three-year online Marine Sciences curriculum course for children from Grade 10-12. Applications for our next intake of 2022 Grade 10 students opened on 25 August 2021. Click here for more information.
Picture: Two Oceans Aquarium