The well-known, but rather notorious killer whales Port and Starboard are back in town, frolicking in False Bay. The two were seen between Cape Hangklip and Millers Point on the Cape Peninsula on 30 June.

READ: The story of orca pair Port and Starboard
These two orcas got their reputation from their shark hunting antics when in 2017, a number of great white carcasses washed ashore near Gansbaai.
Necropsies revealed that the livers of the great whites were missing and the main suspects were orcas. A video circulating on social media in 2020 captured two orcas circling a great white, confirming the theory that orcas hunt great whites.
Dave Hurwitz of Simons Town Boat Company commented that ‘they were foraging in a few of their usual spots in False Bay but what was different is that instead of following their regular route, they kept doubling back & also moving much further offshore.’
READ: Orcas add another name to their hit list: blue whales
He also managed to record these animals, stating ‘the highlight from today’s encounter was managing to record their underwater vocalization with a hydrophone’.
Dave managed to get a few shots of Port and Starboard while they foraged in False Bay.

Pictures: Dave Hurwitz / Simons Town Boat Company