The Whale Trail in De Hoop Nature Reserve has reopened after being closed for renovations. ‘The world-renowned trail welcomes back hikers after an extensive revamp,’ CapeNature said on Instagram.

The Whale Trail in the Western Cape is a fan-favourite.
CapeNature CEO Dr Razeena Omar said: ‘It was not an easy decision to close this trail and disappoint many of our visitors in order to undergo the major structural and maintenance upgrades, but the safety of our hikers is our top priority. We are sure the improved facilities will be enjoyed and worth the wait.’
The following upgrades have been made:
- Provision of overnight lapas
- Improved user-friendly and safe route to Stilgat for snorkelling and swimming
- Cottages will be solar-powered
- Filtered water available in huts
The De Hoop Nature Reserve in the Overberg region is a World Heritage Site and borders a marine reserve, extending 5km out to sea.
The Whale Trail is a 55-km, five-day hike and takes visitors through untouched endemic fynbos.
The reserve has the largest conserved area of lowland fynbos in the Western Cape and is home to 86 mammal species.
These include bontebok and Cape mountain zebra, as well as eland, grey rhebok, baboon, yellow mongoose, caracal and the occasional leopard.
The nature reserve also has more than 260 bird species, including many water birds living around the De Hoop vlei.
Potberg is home to the only remaining breeding colony of the endangered Cape vulture in the Western Cape.
For many, however the highlight of the hike will be when they almost undoubtedly will spot a whale in the waters.
Picture: Twitter/WCGovEADP