Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease breaks out in Northern Cape

Posted on 14 November 2022 By Tsoku Maela

The Witteberg Nature Reserves has warned of a disease outbreak among rabbits and hares originating in the Northern Cape.

‘This disease has an 80% mortality rate. Our extremely endangered riverine rabbit’s survival is in the balance,’ said The Witteberg Nature Reserve on Facebook.

According to House Rabbit Society, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)is a highly contagious and fatal calicivirus. This deadly virus affects both pets and wild rabbits. There is a vaccine available for the virus, but South Africa does not have one yet.

This is an OIE-listed disease (World Organization for Animal Health – formerly the Office International des Epizooties), meaning it is of international concern. ‘The virus is hardy and survives for months in carcasses and in the environment, and can be mechanically transmitted. So after confirmation of diagnosis, carcasses that can be located should preferably be deeply buried to try to limit the spread of the virus,’ Witteberg Reserve added.

Picture: Getaway gallery

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