Ray Chaplin solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted on 25 January 2010

After a few difficulties getting the stove going in the roaring winds last night, I filled up the fuel bottle to ensure the maximum possible pressure and cranked it up BIG – and made myself a large pot of pasta. It went down like a homesick mole, and it was then time for bed. However, it was so damn hot I really couldn’t fall asleep… just lay there and rested really.

Wrapped in a Coolmax sleeping bag liner and nothing else, I eventually fell asleep and got a pretty good night’s rest. I woke a few times, and only once was I lying on my left hip – so it was feeling pretty good this morning.

I got going early today after a good breakfast and was aiming for 40 km, with the destination in mind the farm called Rooidam. Humidity took its toll early in the morning and I struggled, a lot! I focussed on hydration and nutrition, ensuring I fuelled my body sufficiently to cope with the humidity… as I was losing fluids fast and really didn’t want to hit the wall or dehydrate.

As I passed a farm with a large group of cows, they ran off to try escape Tootsie and I… and as I advanced they ran further. Eventually they reached a fence and couldn’t go further – so all turned to look at me. It turned out there were mostly bulls, with some large horns!!! And by the look on their faces, I reckon they’d have jumped at the chance to charge me… so luckily there was a fence in the way. However, the fence didn’t stop me from picturing the charge and how I’d react! Just goes to show what the mind does when all you have time for is thinking…

My hydration and nutrition plan was going well, until the thunderstorm caught up with me… eish! Thunder, lightning, rain, rain and more rain came through and it was intense! I was being beaten up by rain… and sadly my poncho was not particularly effective at keeping me or my stuff dry. The pop stud between the legs that’s supposed to keep the poncho down and prevent it from bellowing isn’t particularly effective when the wind is howling from the side… and the back isn’t long enough to allow a comfortable fit over a pack (and I’m only carrying a 30 litre!).

One of the roadworks vehicles pulled over to chat to me and the young guy behind the wheel, Kyle, couldn’t believe I’ve been walking from Cape Town. He said maybe he’d have done it on a skateboard… but definitely not walking! He asked where I was staying, and said that if my plans didn’t work out I must call him and he’ll work something out.

I pushed on and tried to keep to my hydration and nutrition plan, but it got more and more difficult as the rain got harder and harder. By 2 pm I was soaked, and my feet were squelching with every stride. While I wasn’t concerned about the squelch, the increased risk of blisters was playing on my mind. Not cool… but I kept trying to ensure that each stride minimised potential damage and soon my right groin started paining, as a result of the unnatural stride. I just couldn’t win.

Wetter and wetter, colder and colder, I pressed on and somehow managed to miss Rooidam! Oops! So I pushed forth into town and found shelter from the rain, and called Kyle to ‘make a plan’.

I waited around for a while and eventually called again, as I was getting sooooo bitterly cold I couldn’t stand still. Kyle arrived and told me he’d be back in 5min… he just had to chat with his boss.

Next thing he was there and directing me to the B&B he’d organised. HUH?! AWESOME! A hot bath, warm bed and a dry place for the night… absolutely awesome as it is STILL raining now, four hours after my arrival in town.

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