Ray Chaplin solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted on 27 January 2010

After saying farewell to Charl, I enjoyed a great brekkie whilst chatting with Sunel, before hitting the road towards Strydenburg. Afternoon some big days lately, I was wondering how my legs would handle it – and all seemed fine, even though the first 16 km or so was generally uphill. I even got a glimpse of Strydenburg from the distance, as I crested a long climb.

Still feeling fresh(ish) I pushed a little further to a rest stop and enjoyed the shade… but that is where it all went pear-shaped. Maybe I’d pushed too hard this morning, maybe I was just tired from the last fews days… whatever it was though, my legs were keen to stay right there.

I know it definitely wasn’t an intake problem, as I was eating everything I had close at hand and drinking loads too. I even had prickly pears and fruit juice thanks to Sunel, so it definitely wasn’t intake related.

As I continued to walk, the heat increased and I battled with every step – it felt as though I was actually stumbling along. Must have been quite a sight for passing motorists, a big stumbling guy pushing a cart.

From rest stop to rest stop, shady spot to shady spot, I slowly edged towards Strydenburg – watching the distance markers slowly count upwards towards the magical 77 km (the distance from the last town). Damn, what a rough afternoon… but I just kept plodding, slowly making my distance.

Charl had given me a number of someone to call who’d organise me a place to stay in Strydenburg, unless I wanted to continue of course. But, with the afternoon I’d had, I was staying right here – no need for madness!!! So, after a cold drink and a quick break in the shade, I gave Jaco a call and we arranged to meet at the Upstairs Guesthouse about 500m, or half way across town.

After introductions, I was shown my room for the night and told “it’s been taken care of”. Considering the state I was in, I didn’t have enough or brain capacity to work it out or question it. So, however its working, I say an enormous thanks to those who assisted.

After a little rest, Jaco and I got chatting and he is yet another case of someone getting out of the big city to enjoy a more peaceful life.

I picked up some bread, bananas and a yoghurt for the morning, before enjoying a shower (first since Sutherland!) and then making a large pot of pasta with tuna. Now I don’t feel like washing my pot though… maybe I’ll just let it soak overnight and wash it in the morning with my breakfast stuff. Yip, that’s what I’ll do.

Somehow mosquito’s have found their way in, and my repellant spray doesn’t seem to be as effective as the manufacturer claims. I’ve been eaten alive over the past week, and tonight could get ugly.

Anyways, time to sleep and try let my body be strong for the morning, because it’s time to cross the 1000 km mark!

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