Ray Chaplin’s solo walk from Cape Town to Beit Bridge

Posted on 3 January 2010

After a light brekkie, haircut and shave, we loaded Tootsie into my dad’s bakkie and headed for the stadium – the nerves were officially here!

We got Tootsie out and I started getting her tow bar back in place when Barry Washkansky pulled up… to show his support, have a chat and get some pics. Thanks for coming through Barry, much appreciated.

Quite a few pics were taken of this and that, and getting Table Mountain or the stadium in of course, and then it was time to start walking… so Barry joined me and through the Waterfront we went, where Robert from SportsTrack tracked us down. By now the weird looks from the public were getting fairly amusing and I can only imagine what it’s going to be like further out of the city.

I exited the Waterfront alone and turned onto the N1 but soon turned again, deciding to head through Paarden Eiland to avoid the roadworks before Koeberg Interchange. And, sure enough, the looks were getting more and more intrigued – although it was only Robbie from Hilton Ross who pulled over to say hi and ask what I was doing. Turns out he’d seen me in the Waterfront.

Onto the N1 and the heat was starting to build, getting pretty warm and drinking more and more. I worked out that my first break of the day was going to be around Century City… and what perfect timing, right under a bridge. Yes, I was VERY happy to be able to sit down in the shade… and was even happier when a light breeze picked up.

Tootsie was towing very well and I was happy to have her with me. I still can’t quite let her be, and need to hold her (even just lightly) to keep her in check – but I am sure my walking style will change slightly to work around that.

Robert again tracked me down on his way home and said hi, and left me to the now extermely hot N1. WOW! I was soaked and outside N1 City I opted for a break under a bridge again… but cut that shorter than planned when three street kids unsettled me. They were on the other side of the road, but just their gestures and remarks were enough to push me up the hill passed Plattekloof. But I noticed a car on the side with the bonnet open and a very unhappy driver… so I did my good deed and offered him some help.

Now, for those who know me, I know nothing about engines and making them work… so I was pretty chuffed when he said he just needed water. Hmmm, I was pretty sure I could spare a litre or two. Well, two it was and his car started and limped along… leaving me to finish the climb and then start the rollercoaster road. It was a soul destroying up and down and up and down.

I decided to get off the N1 earlier than planned and took the Old Oak offramp… heading north before east again, following Durbanville signs. The Stodels Garden Centre would provide me with shade and cold drinks as I was now running on empty and starting to have blurry vision. Coming in waves, this was not a good sign and I needed to reset my body and lower my temperature.

The staff just stared, but Wilfred came to chat and ask more – and was very helpful indeed. Directing to toilets, cold water, and a much needed fruit juice. After a pretty long stay there I took a walk around and then push forth, again following Durbanville signs. Where possible I walked through the open parks alongside the road… but soon these ran out and I walked on dodgy pavements and in the road from time to time.

My options ran out and I headed for Klipheuwel, fortunately feeling revived after my cold drinks break at Stodels. But the light was fading and I didn’t want to head into a dorp / town / community after dark, so I started looking for a place to sleep – although short of my desired daily distance. I found a field where the gate was not locked and it looked like I could disappear rather nicely. I called the number on the board just to check and Jackie suggested I go to the farm 1km back, as that would be safer.

So I gave that a try, but nobody answered the intercom so I returned to the shooting club field and found a spot directly under the power lines. A bit of a buzz, but nowhere near as bad as the mosquitoes that came in their thousands during the night. DAMN! I have sprayed insect and mosquito repellant with not much joy – they just keep on coming!!!

So, after a VERY disturbed night and sleep (no, I didn’t pitch my tent – I just climbed into my bivi bag on the mattress), I was up at 5am and am slowly prepping for the day on the road. My target is Bains Kloof Pass, as that will give me a good launching platform to hit Ceres on Monday and make it slightly passed, which would be ideal.

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