Seeing an impala on safari is no rarity depending on where you are, but seeing an albino newborn impala is a special occasion. Keagan Kingsley came across this snow white lamb on Sunday, November 22.
‘This time of year is always an extremely special time to visit game reserves. It’s the rainy season, and impalas are known to time their births for when the rains come. This gives their young the best chances of survival, as food is plentiful,’ wrote Latest Sightings on Facebook.
‘And it is really fun driving around and seeing cute baby impalas everywhere. We are starting to get more and more sightings of baby impalas in the last few weeks.’
‘We saw mom and baby together in the morning of Sunday the 22nd of Nov about 500m from Malelane Camp’, said Kingsley.
‘They were quite deep in the bush but then crossed the road going towards Malelane Camp in front of us where I managed to get these pics in about 20 seconds.’
Take a look at the precious mom and baby-duo below:

Pictures: Keagan Kingsley