‘Dry Tripping’ – a growing travel trend in South Africa

Posted on 23 July 2024 By Nomvelo Masango

Wine tours and late nights at pubs are often what great travel memories are made of. However, more and more travellers are choosing to enjoy their exploration without alcohol.

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Credit: Felix Rostig / Unsplash

Known as ‘dry tripping’, the international trend of sober exploration is growing in South Africa. It is as a result of many travellers desiring more conscious choices.

A global trend growing in South Africa

Although South Africa is still amongst the largest consumers of alcohol in the world, the ‘sober curious’ trend is slowly but surely beginning to manifest itself in the country’s travel scene.

According to Flight Centre, a shift towards wellness and mindful living has made many South Africans reconsider their drinking habits.

‘Research shows that this movement is especially popular among Gen Z and Millennials, who are leading the change towards a more balanced lifestyle,’ says the company.

The tourism industry has also taken note of this growing trend. As an increasing number of tourists seek ‘dry’ restaurants, destinations and experiences, the industry is adapting. More tour companies are intentional about catering to travellers with a preference for sober experiences.

Benefits of ‘dry tripping’

There are a number of reasons why the ‘dry tripping’ trend is becoming increasingly attractive to travellers. Here are some of the benefits to consider should you wish to embrace this style of travelling:

No hangovers: On a holiday with a full itinerary, a holiday can hold you back and ruin your fun. With sober travel, things such as headaches, nausea and body aches from the night before are a thing of the past. This means you are fully alert and able to enjoy your itinerary activities.

Health: Abstaining from alcohol comes with physical benefits. These include better sleep and clearer skin. Moreover, alcohol can compound the effects of jet lag. So, deciding to embrace sober exploration can make it easier to acclimate during and after a long exciting trip.

A maximized travel budget: Alcohol can be quite expensive, especially if you are purchasing it at establishments close to tourist attractions. Avoiding alcohol can help you save some money and stretch your travel budget.

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