Guide to travelling while pregnant

Posted on 28 July 2024 By Nomvelo Masango

Pregnancy is a very beautiful and significant period. However, it is also a time when much caution and consideration are necessary, especially when travelling.

Extra precautions are needed to ensure the comfort and safety of the expectant mom and baby.

There are a number of factors to consider when travelling during pregnancy. Here are just a few of them:

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Seeing your doctor

Whether you will be boarding a flight or embarking on a road trip, it is extremely important to always start by contacting your healthcare provider.

Consulting your doctor will help you to determine whether travelling during that particular time is advisable or not. Women at 32 weeks or more are recommended not to fly.

Moreover, a medical examination will place you in a better position to prevent or alleviate various health risks that may come with travelling.

Prepare adequately and in advance

Planning in advance will make your trip a lot easier and more organised. Ensure that you pack comfortable and easy-to-change clothing that is appropriate for the weather at your destination. If you are embarking on a road trip, pack healthy food, snacks and drinks.

Always stay hydrated

Throughout your trip, it is essential to ensure that you remain hydrated. Have sufficient water supply readily available. Drinking enough water ensures healthy digestion and nutrient circulation. Thus, it is crucial to avoid dehydration as it can easily result in health complications.


Taking proper medication and supplements in the correct dosage is of extreme importance. When preparing for your trip, ensure that you have packed the necessary vitamins, supplements and any other medication you may need to take. Depending on the destination you are travelling to, you may also need to receive some form of vaccination or immunization.

In case of emergency…

It is crucial to ensure that you are prepared in case any unexpected health concerns arise during your trip. Keep copies of your health record or medical information with you. Moreover, make sure you are aware of your destination’s nearest hospital and that you have a solid emergency plan in place should you require medical attention.

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