Surfing is a fun, thrilling and satisfying sport. Once mastered, it can take your holiday from good to great…and sometimes even unforgettable.
However, the waves can become very overwhelming and surfing can be an extremely challenging sport to master. When starting out, you need all the help you can get.

Picture: Bruno Cervera / Unsplash
If you are a beginner surfer, here are a few helpful tips to consider:
Find a beginner-friendly spot
Every beach is unique and not all surf spots are ideal for beginners. Some spots have barreling waves, while others have waves which are a little less powerful. Ensure that you find a surfing spot with slow and soft rolling waves. This will make your early days of surfing a lot easier.
Stretch and warm-up
Before jumping onto your board, it is good to start with a few cardio exercises and some stretches. This frees your body to move on the waves as desired. It also reduces your chances of injury. After all, tearing a muscle on the first few days of your surfing journey can be quite an inconvenience.
Don’t surf solo
Surfing solo can be one of the most blissful things to do. It is just you, your surfboard and the power of the waves. However, as a beginner, surfing solo is probably an idea to avoid. It is advisable to have people around you for safety and confidence in your early days of surfing.

Picture: Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash
Know the rules
Most beginner surfers lack confidence because they lack an understanding of the rules. Learn surfing etiquette and familiarise yourself with the unwritten rules of the waves. Your confidence will soar and you will become a better surfer.
Start small and don’t over-do the risks
Surfing is an adrenaline-filled sport. However, taking risks too soon can lead to more harm than good. Do not downplay the power of the ocean. Start small and up your game slowly. Take your time and listen to your body.

Picture: Hakan Nural / Unsplash
Always surf with a leash
A leash is a very important item when surfing. While some experienced surfers may decide to brave the waves without one, swimming after a board and risking its uncontrolled crashing into the rocks is not worth it. Make safety a priority.
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